DGfS 2016 | 24.-26.2.2016

38. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft

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  • AG 1 (G 309): Verb Second in Grammar and Processing: its Causes and its Consequences
              (Oliver Bott, Constantin Freitag, Fabian Schlotterbeck)   
  • AG 2 (G 300): The syntax of argument structure: empirical advancements and theoretical relevance
              (Artemis Alexiadou, Elisabeth Verhoeven)
  • AG 3 (F 426): Agentivity and event structure: theoretical and experimental approaches   
              (Beatrice Primus, Markus Philipp)
  • AG 4 (G 530): Sentence complexity at the boundary of grammatical theory and processing:
               A special challenge for language acquisition

              (Flavia Adani,Tom Fritzsche, Theodoros Marinis)
  • AG 5 (F 425): The grammatical realization of polarity. Theoretical and experimental approaches
              (Christine Dimroth, Stefan Sudhoff)
  • AG 6 (F 420): Computational Pragmatics
              (Anton Benz, Jon Stevens, Ralf Klabunde, Sebastian Reuße)
  • AG 7 (D 406): Sign language agreement revisited: new theoretical and experimental perspectives
              (Barbara Hänel-Faulhaber, Annika Herrmann, Christian Rathmann, Markus Steinbach)
  • AG 8 (E 404): Gradienz im Spannungsfeld von empirischen Methoden und Grammatiktheorie
              (Jana Häussler, Tom Juzek)
  • AG 9 (E 403): Geschriebene und gesprochene Sprache als Modalitäten eines Sprachsystems
              (Martin Evertz, Frank Kirchhoff)
  • AG 10 (G 308): Morphological effects on word order from a typological and a diachronic perspective
              (Thórhallur Eythórsson, Hans-Martin Gärtner, Tonjes Veenstra)
  • AG 11 (G 201): Indefinites between Theory and Language Change
              (Chiara Gianollo, Klaus von Heusinger, Svetlana Petrova )
  • AG 12 (E 402): Presuppositions in language acquisition
              (Anja Müller, Viola Schmitt)
  • AG 13 (E 402): Adjective Order: Theory and Experiment
              (Eva Wittenberg, Andreas Trotzke)