DGfS 2016 | 24.-26.2.2016

38. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft

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AG 2: The syntax of argument structure: empirical advancements and theoretical relevance

Artemis Alexiadou, Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den
Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Tel. 030-2093-2316, Fax 030-2093-2244, artemis.alexiadou@hu-berlin.de

Elisabeth Verhoeven, Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter
den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Tel. 030-2093-9796, Fax 030-2093-9729, verhoeve@cms.hu-berlin.de

Website der AG2: https://www2.hu-berlin.de/syntax/themp/index.html


The syntax of argument structure has been the focus of a number of empirical studies investigating phenomena such as the causative alternation (Fadlon 2014), unaccusativity (Keller & Sorace 2003, Hirsch & Wagner 2011, Irwin 2013, Verhoeven & Kügler 2014), ergativity (Longenbaugh & Polinsky 2013), argument hierarchies and argument realization (Bornkessel et al. 2005, Lamers & de Swart (eds.) 2012), the dative alternation (Bresnan et al. 2007), inherent vs. structural case (Jacobsen 2000, Bayer et al. 2001), psych predicates (Lamers & de Hoop 2014, Verhoeven 2014, 2015), etc. Such studies provide interesting but potentially controversial contributions to linguistic theory: some discover gradience in the verbal lexicon that can only be precisely measured with quantitative methods (see e.g., Keller & Sorace 2003); others claim that properties attributed to verbal syntax are an epiphenomenon of other layers of grammar (see e.g., Hirsch & Wagner 2011); yet other studies show reflexes of core properties of verbal syntax in processing (see e.g. Polinsky et al. 2012 on ergativity).

The workshop will address the following issues:
- Does the progress in empirical methods promise theoretical advancements in the syntax of argument structure? In particular, do empirical data obtained through corpus or experimental methods confirm/reject/validate evidence previously gained through linguistic intuitions?
- A major shortcoming of experimental and corpus data is that they contain artefacts associated with sources of variation that are external to the grammar. How can we distinguish between grammatically relevant information and grammar-external variation that is involved in experimental or corpus data?
- Theoretical accounts make a distinction between core grammatical properties and linguistic properties attributed to processing. How can this distinction be established by experimental data?

This workshop brings together theoretical linguists, corpus linguists, and psycholinguists that are interested in the syntax of argument structure and employ precise empirical methods in building theories thereof.


Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2016
14:00 – 15:00

Maria Polinsky:

The relationship between theoretical and empirical syntax

15:00 - 16:00Patrick Brandt and Petra Schumacher:
Effects of repairing illegal argument structures
16:00 - 16:30Kaffeepause
16:30 - 17:30Nino Grillo, Berit Gehrke, Nils Hirsch, Caterina Paolazzi, and Andrea Santi:
It’s all about verb-type: Passives are not inherently more complex than actives
17:30 - 18:00Patricia Irwin:
Discourse and unaccusativity: Quantitative effects of a structural phenomenon
18:00 - 18:30Dmitry Ganenkov:
Relativization in two morphologically ergative languages: a corpus study

Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2016
9:00 – 10:00Isabel Oltra-Massuet, V. Sharpe, K. Neophytou, and Alec Marantz:
Syntactic priming as a test of argument structure: A self-paced reading experiment
10:00 - 11:00Linnaea Stockall, Christina Manouilidou, Laura Gwilliams, Alec Marantz:
Un/Re-packing argument and event structure restrictions on prefixation: MEG evidence
11:00 - 11:30Kaffeepause
11:30 - 12:30Paul Kiparsky:
On the syntax and argument structure of agent nouns
12:30 - 13:00

Nils Hirsch:

Groups of object experiencer (ObjExp) verbs in German — empirically revisited

statt Tibor Kiss:

Argument structure and reflexive binding


Freitag, 26. Februar 2016
11:30 – 12:30Helen de Hoop:
Grammar under pressure: the case of subject hun 'them' in Dutch
12:30 - 13:00Anna Czypionka and Carsten Eulitz:
Case marking affects the processing of animacy with simple verbs, but not particle verbs: An event-related potential study
13:00 - 13:30Sandra Pappert, Michael Baumann, and Thomas Pechmann:
The issue of lexical guidance in sentence production: Evidence from
structural priming experiments
13:30 - 14:00

Jeannique Darby:

Assessing agentivity and eventivity in object-experiencer verbs: the role of processing

statt Sabine Reuters, Sarah Verlage, and Martina Penke:

Animacy effects in German sentence production